Cerita Bawang Merah Bawang Putih dalam Bahasa Inggris

Pada kesempatan kali ini saya berinisiatif untuk memberikan sebuah cerita dongeng Bawang Merah dan Bawang Putih dalam bahasa inggris. Kita semua pasti sudah mengetahui cerita Bawang Merah Bawang Putih ini memiliki tema dan pesan moral yang sama dengan cerita Cinderella, akan tetapi Cerita Bawang Merah Bawang Putih memiliki sedikit perbedaan karena memiliki nilai kebudayaan yang sangat jauh berbeda. Karena Cerita Bawang Merah Bawang Putih merupakan cerita asli rakyat Riau. Oleh karena itu, langsung saja kita membaca Cerita Bawang Merah Bawang Putih dalam versi Bahasa Inggrisnya.

Cerita Dongeng Bahasa Inggris - Bawang Merah Bawang Putih

A long time ago in a village lived a family consisting of father, mother and a beautiful girl named Garlic. They live a happy, harmonious and peaceful even though her father only ordinary merchant. Happiness was interrupted when the mother Garlic seriously ill and can not be cured until eventually died.

In the village they lived a widow who has a son named Onion. After the death of his mother, the mother frequented Garlic Onion. He often brought food, Garlic helps clean the house and family accompany the chat. After several days, the father Garlic think to marry
Mother Onion.

Garlic father was married to the mother Onion. Onion and his mother at first is very kind, but over time its original properties into sight. They scold Garlic and give him a tough job, especially when the father Garlic're going to trade. Garlic should be doing all the housework while Shallots and his mother just sitting around. Garlic father did not know it because Garlic never complained.

Once the father Garlic fell ill and eventually died. Since then Shallots and her increasingly arbitrary, to the extent Garlic hardly ever break. He had to get up before dawn, preparing hot water for bathing, cooking breakfast for the Red Onion and his mother. He also had to feed livestock, watering the garden and washing clothes. After that he also had to iron clothes, cleaning the house, so continue to never stop working. Garlic is always to do his job, hoping to pray that her stepmother would love him like a son.

That morning as usual Garlic go to time to wash clothes. Garlic immediately wash the clothes he was carrying, but not realizing it was a piece of clothing that is washed away. Unfortunately, it is clothes pet clothes stepmother. When the clothes have drifted far enough Garlic just realized. The girl tried to follow the river to look for but to no avail. With courage he went back into the house and told his mother.

"Basic careless!" Snapped his stepmother. "I do not want to know, just the clothes to look! Do not try to go home if you have not found it again! "
There was no other choice, Garlic forced to obey everything. He went back down the river as the sun began to rise, but the effort seemed futile. When step further away, the sun was increasingly inclined to the west. In an unknown place, Garlic saw a shepherd was bathing buffalo.
"O my good uncle, if uncle saw red dress float?"
"Yes, there was clothes washed away. If you chase quickly, might be able to find, "said the uncle.
"Thank you uncle!" Said Garlic as he ran.
When darkness fell Garlic start exhausted and worried because the night is coming. Fortunately, he saw the light of a shack. The girl was immediately approached.
"Excuse me ...!" Said Garlic. Shortly thereafter an old woman opened the door.
"Who are you?" Asked the old woman.
"I Garlic. I had been looking for a dress that is drifting, and now benighted. Can I stay here overnight? "Asked Garlic.
"Sure son, .... if you are looking for clothes that are red?" Asked the grandmother.
"Yes Grandma. What ... grandmother found him? "Asked Garlic excited.
"Yes, the shirt was stuck in front of the house. Actually I liked the dress, but I'll return as long as you want to stay here for a week. I have not been talking to anyone. How? "Asked the grandmother.

Garlic is thought for a moment, "Poor grandmother, ... looks lonely." Garlic also feel pity and, "Well Grandma, I will accompany grandmother week. But do not be bored grandmother yes with me, "said Garlic smiling.
Finally Garlic actually stayed at the grandmother's house. Every day she helped her grandmother homework, of course grandmother was happy. Until finally even been a week they lived together.
"Son, it's a week you stay here. I'm glad that you're diligent and dutiful. In keeping my promise to you may bring your mother's clothes. One again, you may choose a pumpkin this as a gift. There are two pumpkins, you may choose anywhere, "said the grandmother.

Although rejected, Garlic eventually chose the smallest pumpkin. "I'm afraid not bring a big strong," he said. Grandma smiled and deliver Garlic up to the front of the house. At home Garlic clothes immediately handed her stepmother. While his mother check shirt, Garlic bring pumpkin into the kitchen to be processed. Surprise, Garlic, in the flask contained gold jewels very much. He cheered and told this to her stepmother. With their greedy directly seize the jewels of gold, and forcing Garlic tells how he could get it.

After hearing the story of the Red Onion and his mother is planning to do the same. Finally Shallots arrived at the old grandmother's house. Such as Garlic, Shallots was asked to accompany him during the week. Unlike Garlic, Shallots during the week just lazing. Every job he did in moderation, until the results are never good.

Finally, a week went by, and Grandma was allowed Onion go. "Should grandmother gave me the prize pumpkin?" Asked Onion. The old woman was forced to send Onion choose a pumpkin has to offer. Quickly onion take a big pumpkin, and directly pass without saying thank you.

Arriving at the house Onion immediately to his mother and showcase large pumpkin carries. With cunning they told Garlic go to the river. Seperginya girl they immediately splitting of the vessel, but it did not contain gold jewels. In the flask contained snakes, scorpions, cockroaches, spiders, and other animals that directly attack them both. Because nothing is helping, both women were killed by a can.

Demikianlah Cerita Bawang Merah Bawang Putih dalam Bahasa Inggris semoga kita dapat mengambil pesan moralyang disampaikan cerita tersebut. Anda juga bisa melihat Kumpulan Cerita Dongeng Bahasa Inggris Menarik lainnya disini. Terima kasih.

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