Cerita Dongeng Bahasa Inggris - Roro Jongrang

Cerita Roro Jongrang merupakan cerita asli rakyat Yogyakarta, Jawa Tengah. Cerita ini sangat bergitu fenomenal bagi rakyat Yoyakarta karena terbukti dengan adanya peninggalan situs candi Prambanan. Isi dari cerita ini adalah mengisahkan Seorang Puteri cantik yakni Roro Jongrang yang dilamar oleh Raja kerajaan tetangga yakni Pangeran Bondowoso. Dan Roro Jongrang akan menerima lamaran Pangeran Bondowoso jika berhasil membangun seribu candi dan dua buah sumur dalam satu malam. Oleh karena itu, saya sengaja memberikan cerita Roro Jongrang ini dengan versi bahasa inggris agar kemampuan bahasa inggris kita semakin terasah. Dan inilah ceritanya:

Cerita Dongeng Bahasa Inggris - Roro Jongrang

Once upon a time there was a king named Prabu Boko who ruled in Prambanan. Prabu Boko is a powerful giant. He has a daughter named Jonggrang. Jonggrang very pretty.

Bordered by Boko kingdom there is a kingdom named Pengging. One day the king Pengging wants to expand his kingdom, so he sent his son, Bondowoso led troops attacked the kingdom of Prambanan. Bondowoso managed to defeat the forces of Boko Boko even kill the king.

Bondowoso was staying in the palace of Prambanan. He falls in love with Jonggrang and ask the girl became queen. Jonggrang do not want to be a wife Bondowoso who had killed his father. He was looking for a reason to be able to reject the proposal of the prince Pengging smoothly.

Eventually he met Bondowoso and said, "I want to be your wife, but as the conditions you have to make two wells and a thousand temples in one night." Although the conditions proposed Jonggrang impossible met someone else, Bondowoso directly menyanggupinya. He gathered the spirits who became his men and started to dig wells and build the temple.

Bondowoso and his men worked very quickly. In a short time they have completed a well and hundreds of temples.

Jonggrang anxiously watching from a distance. He thought hard to find a way to thwart Bondowoso. Jonggrang also called lady's maid and told them to burn straw and beating the dimples.

Fire of straw burned made the atmosphere light and the beat dimple surprisingly rowdy creatures who are working fine. They thought it was already morning. They fled, leaving Bondowoso and wells and unfinished temple.

Bondowoso tried to call them back, but they still leave.

Jonggrang meet Bondowoso and asked, "Your time is up, Bandung. Are candiku finished? "

Bondowoso very angry because he knew Jonggrang have thwarted his hard work, but he tried to hold back, "Of course, the temple was finished. If you do not believe, please you count yourself. "Jonggrang accompanied by her ladies calculate the temple one by one. Turns Bondowoso has successfully completed nine hundred and ninety-nine temples.

"You failed, Bandung. Still not a temple anymore, "said Jonggrang.

Bondowoso temper, "If you do not cheat, I'm sure you can finish a thousand temples, Jonggrang," he said.

"Well, I fulfill your wish. Be you, Jonggrang, the thousandth temple! "Curse Bondowoso

So Jonggrang was transformed into a stone statue of a very beautiful and magical, the stones are arranged one after the other by itself form the temple, surrounding the statue.

Until now stone sculpture beautiful Jonggrang can we watch in the room of the main temple at Prambanan.

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